Every bonnet has been manufactured differently and the market has so many bonnets you can choose from. All you need to do is be very careful when selecting the bonnet you want so that you can buy something that will fit you and not come out when sleeping. Some manufacturers lie to their customers that the bonnets they are selling are made of silky smooth satin, then when you reach home, you get disappointed.
Many people have gone through this problem when purchasing a bonnet or a durag online. Online shopping is quite tricky because you only use your eyes, but you are able to touch the material on the bonnet to be sure it’s the suitable material. Customers who love purchasing a matching bonnet and durag set need this article to go home with something splendid and not something they will regret later on.
What to consider before you purchase a bonnet
- Quantity of the material
Before you purchase your bonnet, make sure you review the quantity of your bonnet’s material. Many companies come up with sleeping bonnets that are not made of satin but another fabric that is too satin. To be safer, you could research what bonnets look like so that you cannot be lied to and buy something counterfeit.
- Satin or silk?
Most sleeping bonnets are made of silk and satin, and also other sleeping gears are also made of these materials because of how good they feel and how their texture. Even if these materials are the best, they differ in cost and origin. Most satin commodities are made of polyester since they are affordable, smooth and durable.
- Resist bonnets with uncovered elastic bands
Uncovered elastic is a clear sign that the bonnet you are purchasing is of poor quality and will only cause hair breakage because of the constant pulling and rubbing.
What to consider when purchasing a durag
- The material
Many materials are used to make durags, but the best durags are silk durags. Silk durags are stylish and shiny. If you don’t want something as shouty, you could consider another material. Always get a durag with high-quality material to hold your hair for the whole day or night.
- The price
When it comes to buying durags, buy something that matches your pocket. Come up with a clear budget of how much you want to spend on your durag and stick to this budget. After making your budget, go online or to a physical shop and ask them how much a durag goes for so that you can know how much you will purchase. Also, make sure the prices are reasonable so that you can go home with multiple durags, but if you feel like your budget will exceed, you can buy one durag and then buy others later.
Sleeping with a bonnet is very helpful since it gives your protective hairstyle protection and makes the hair last for a more extended period. Before you buy a course of bonnet or durag, consider the tips above.