Workwear is not as straightforward as it once was, and gone are the days when working in an office required a suit, shirt and tie. Although some industries do still require a smart look, many companies now accept a more casual approach to workwear fashion, and dress-down Fridays are becoming more and more popular, especially with organisations that employ a young work force in creative industries such as advertising, media and marketing.

Whatever your style, there are some basic looks which can provide a modern
image and which are perfect for work.
Go French
The French
have long been associated with style. Investing in a French-style blazer is a
very worthwhile purchase. Blazers can be worn with jeans or chinos, shirts or
roll neck jumpers as well as boots or a more casual fashion trainer.
Outdoor Look
trousers are very on trend, and as well as looking good, they are also easy and
comfortable to wear. In the colder months, these can be worn with zip hoodies
and even a beanie if you want to complete the look.
Too Cool for School
Although it is good to look fashionable and trendy, turning up to work looking like you’ve just stepped off the catwalk every day is exhausting and expensive and not very practical. Instead, invest in some classic items such as smart high-quality jeans, stylish leather boots and some Farah shirts from, which can be mixed and matched. Make sure the jeans aren’t skinny-fit and the boots are comfortable, as you’ll be wearing them all day.

Meghan Markle recently launched a limited-edition
fashion line which helps women wanting to get back into the workplace.
Denim Look
Double denim
used to be unacceptable, but is now very fashionable. A smart pair of well-cut
jeans, worn with a white tee-shirt or cotton shirt and a denim jacket, is the
ultimate look for a creative exec wanting a cool image.
fashion has been slowly but surely making its way into our High Streets for a
number of years, and their love of pockets, straps and baggy fit trousers is
popular, especially amongst the younger generation.
To complete your image, invest in a puffa jacket for the winter and a smart
cashmere jumper, which is perfect for a smart/casual look.